CrossFit HierarchyCrossFit Hierarchy

CrossFit Gym in Washington

Our Mission is to Help You Succeed


CrossFit Hierarchy

CrossFit has another word for excellence — Virtuosity, defined in gymnastics as “performing the common uncommonly well.” It implies an integrity of movement that is rooted in mastery of the fundamentals.

This is our signature. Virtuosity is at the core of our training methodology and is a hallmark of our athletes. Achieving full range of motion, hitting the points of performance and completing all the required reps and rounds is not recommended, it is expected. By perfecting the basics, our athletes advance more quickly and achieve beyond what they ever thought possible.

By holding ourselves to the highest standards in the gym, we nurture expectations and integrity that extend far beyond CrossFit and the four walls of our box. The lessons learned through physical training are unavoidable — the character traits required and developed through physical training are universally applicable to all endeavors. Perseverance, industry, sacrifice, self-control, integrity, honesty, and commitment are best and easiest learned in the gym.


A Team of Coaches that get results, consistently

CrossFit Hierarchy

Our community is what makes us special. And it's what will keep you going

Joining a gym shouldn't be intimidating. We will help you feel comfortable getting started.

Our trainers are passionate and knowledgeable, helping you know what to do, keeping you on track. They celebrate with you every time you reach the next level!

We are striving to help every person find a higher quality of life through greater health.

Everything you need to crush your fitness goals

Changing Rooms for Before + After Workouts

Class Reservations

Members Only App

1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching

Open Gym

Purified Water Dispenser

Conveniently located in Washington, DC

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. CrossFit Hierarchy is located and easily accessible from all of Washington.

Adams Morgan: 1681 Kalorama Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009
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Do something today that you will be proud of tomorrow.

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